Ansible IV: Managing variables and facts

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#it automation #configuration as code
In the last post we created three machines using Vagrant and VirtualBox. Those machines correspond to the database, backend and frontend in our system. In this fourth entry we will configure the database, taking a look at how variables and facts work. Note: we are working both in PowerShell and in the WSL. Everytime you encounter an “bash” code box and you are in Windows, you should be running it inside the WSL.

Ansible III: Multiple machines, multiple playbooks

#it automation #configuration as code
Here comes the third post of the Ansible series. This time we expose a scenario that will serve us through all the series. I had been wondering how this scenario should look like, but since I’m not an expert we will use a simple scenario: frontend + backend + database. Later you can expand this scenario to include cache, load balancing, service registry, vault, etc. Let’s dive in! Note: we are working both in PowerShell and in the WSL.

Ansible II: playbooks, containers and inventory

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#it automation #configuration as code
Welcome to the Ansible series! This is the second article in which we will start by creating our first SSH Docker container to simulate one remote machine, write an inventory and build a simple playbook to use against. UPDATE: I found that in the Docker for Windows approach you can’t use the containers IP to connect to them. Source in the documentation. I added new sections using Vagrant and VirtualBox which will represent better a real scenario.

Ansible I: Concepts and Installation

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#it automation #configuration as code
With this post we start a series about Ansible, the IT automation tool. This first article introduces the basic concepts of Ansible and its installation. Also we will install VirtualBox and Vagrant which will help us to practice Ansible in a more realistic scenario without exiting our computer. UPDATE: I found that in the Docker for Windows approach you can’t use the containers IP to connect to them in the documentation.